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In Abänderung: Dorian Gray

Oscar Wilde
Szenenfoto Dorian Gray: Markus Meyer
© Reinhard Werner / Burgtheater

Dorian Gray has suddenly stopped aging. At the height of his fresh-faced beauty, he becomes a living painting, while his portrait in the attic undergoes a horrifying transformation with the passing of time. The consistently popular Victorian novel DORIAN GRAY is as topical as ever. The cult of eternal youth could not be better described, nor our Botox-smoothed faces better reflected, than in the polished surface of this linguistic masterpiece.

Beschreibung Information
amendments Notice
In Abänderung wegen einer Erkrankung im Ensemble statt: DIE VERWANDLUNG
Dauer und Pausen 1 Stunde 15 Minuten - keine Pause
Sitzplan B
Trailer: Dorian Gray
© Markus Lubej
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